
TFGU Strength and Conditioning San Angelo

“I feel as strong as I did in my twenties! And my clothes aren’t fitting anymore!”

-Ro Mayberry (#TFGUstrong member)

Lose Weight Gain Strength San Angelo

Laura Jones

“The results speak for themselves and I would encourage everyone to try it.”

Laura lost 12.8lbs in her first 6 Week Challenge and enjoyed the weight loss results so much, she signed up for a second round and lost an additional 7.2lbs for a total of 20lbs in 12 weeks! She was already a TFGU member, but said she had let some pounds creep back in and also wanted to get her daughter Tori involved with the gym. She did an amazing job losing weight and gaining strength in both Challenges, as well as brought sparked joy and offered great support to our community!

She is #TFGUstrong!


Mikel Jones

“I chose the 6 Week Challenge again because my wife did it twice and she had good results. I wanted to lose more body fat (more than weight) and wound up with both! I gained a better understanding of what not to eat and what to look out for…not to get disappointed when your body weight cycles up and down. Knowing you’re still on the program, you’re still moving on, you’re still making progress. I lost 13.1lbs and 3.3% body fat. I say if you’re thinking about it, go ahead and do it…make that commitment!”

He is #TFGUstrong!

Silver Sneakers Weight Loss San Angelo TX

Barbara Walker

“I’m trying to remember if it was Facebook or if it was Instagram, but I saw one of the [posts] and people talking about it and I thought this place looks familiar for some reason and then it dawned on me that my good friend told me about [TFGU]. I hadn’t felt really well before the Challenge. I felt bloated and just not healthy. I didn’t feel strong at all, so I said ‘I’m going to try it!’ The diet helped me a whole lot and then the workouts were amazing! To me, it was the diet and the workouts and just me trying to follow and do the best I could to stay in the guidelines. It really was kind of amazing to me how quickly I felt better. Like REALLY QUICKLY!

You need to just do it! Because you will feel SO MUCH BETTER about yourself!”

She is #TFGUstrong!

TFGU San Angelo

Megan Halfmann

“It’s amazing how short 6 weeks actually is even though you feel like it’s never going to end!! After going through the 6 weeks, my stomach is smaller and I’m so much stronger!! I just feel better all around and have a grasp on how to keep it up!! Great way to jump start getting back in shape!”

She is #TFGUstrong!

Lose Weight Gain Strength San Angelo

Deloris Ramirez

“I have been putting it off for so long since Brandon started [the Challenge], but he kept on encouraging me and I finally took that step. I am so grateful he kept on to me to join it.

Most of my life, after I had my 3rd child, I had struggled losing the weight I gained. I went to so many different places and never could get anything, but in 6 weeks here…12 lbs! Can you believe that? It just blows my mind!

I think most of my problem was I didn’t know how much or what [to eat], but Brandon showed me and guided me so that helped me a lot.

You won’t regret it. Quit putting it off, because you will feel sooo so much better. I feel so energized! I mean, I feel like I’m in my 40s again and I’m 59! It’s amazing the energy you get from doing this. You won’t have any doubt in your mind after you’re done, because it works! It really really REALLY works. I can testify to that!”

She is #TFGUstrong!

Lose Weight Gain Strength Move Better Feel Better San Angelo TX

Karena Doss

“I had done the Challenge before and over time and the holidays, I gained the weight back. Even before Christmas, I told Brandon I wanted to do the Challenge. I went snow skiing and broke a bone in my leg and told Brandon ‘I can’t do the Challenge because I can’t do the exercises.’ He encouraged me to go ahead and do the Challenge because there are going to be obstacles in your life and you just have to push through those and overcome them. I gained confidence, knowledge, discipline…new, supportive family! I lost a lot of negative thoughts and 12.6lbs! No matter what life throws you, you can overcome it! Just do [the Challenge]!”

She is #TFGUstrong!

Strength and Conditioning San Angelo TX

Patty Keith

“1. I desperately needed to get back into shape and needed a new workout routine and this challenge came around at the perfect time for me. When I was told that I could win back part of the enrollment fee, I jumped on the chance to participate. However,after witnessing how much each TFGU staff member invests in each of their members, I didn't want my money back. In fact, I felt that I wasn't paying enough for what I was receiving! Each trainer is personally involved with each member throughout the entire experience. In fact, the two times I missed my scheduled sessions, somebody contacted me to see if I was alright and when I wanted to reschedule. I have never before had a club membership or personal trainer contact me for NOT showing up to work out! Talk about accountability!

2. The accountability helped me the most. Too often it's too easy NOT to follow through with a plan. This challenge does a great job helping people stick to their plan and adjust things along the way.

3. I would definitely recommend this program to others, especially those who are challenged with physical and mental roadblocks. TFGU really helps knock down those mental/physical obstacles that prevent each one of us from becoming our very best selves. They literally start training from the ground up. 😁💪😍”

She is #TFGUstrong!

Lose Body Fat Gain Strength San Angelo TX

Kristin Peters

“I wanted weight loss, but it just became so much more to where that was just an afterthought. Feeling stronger…having a mental change…just having the tools to where I feel now that the Challenge is over, it is just a lifestyle change to where I will continue on this path. If you are battling with soreness or staying at a certain weight and wanting to lose weight, or just wanting to get healthy, [the TFGU 6 Week Challenge] has been amazing. It has been life-changing for me and I am looking forward to continuing to get stronger, and more in shape, and healthier!”

She is #TFGUstrong!

San Angelo TX Gym

Monica Reeves

“I chose the TFGU Challenge because I heard really good things about the workout program and I needed a change. I gained a lot of knowledge about food, nutrition, and exercise! I have noticed (and even my husband has noticed) I feel a lot better, I wake up with energy…it’s nice to eat food for fuel and feel better! Absolutely do it! Try it! You can do anything for 6 weeks…you’ll be surprised!”

She is #TFGUstrong!

Lose Weight Gain Strength Move Better Feel Better San Angelo TX

Steve Bouissey

“I got lots of weight loss from the TFGU 6 Week Challenge! Do it! It’s helpful! Anybody can do it no matter your age/problems!”

He is #TFGUstrong!

“Wow I did this! This may not seem like a big deal but for me it was…box jump. I’ve been staying on the 12” box for almost 6 months. I wasn’t sure if I’d ever go up higher due to the neuropathy in my feet and lower legs for the 2 battles with cancer…

“Wow I did this! This may not seem like a big deal but for me it was…box jump. I’ve been staying on the 12” box for almost 6 months. I wasn’t sure if I’d ever go up higher due to the neuropathy in my feet and lower legs for the 2 battles with cancer and the radiation and chemo that I went through. If you don’t have neuropathy I can explain it like this for me: it feels numb and tingly, feels like sand bags on feet, feet can cause unstableness, skin sensitive to touch, and shooting pain. It’s harder for me to feel where I’m jumping. Up until today fear has kept me from trying the 18” box…I didn’t want to catch the edge and fall. However, today I was inspired by someone else and it gave me the motivation to go for it. Fear is a liar! I can do it! I did it! It made me feel so good!

What’s keeping you from being the best version of ‘YOU'?’…my brother Reggie Sutton would say. I want to be the best version of me…

How can I do this? One day, one week, one month, one year at a time! What small deposits you make today will lead to big gains down the road. It’s taking me awhile to get the strength and confidence to get that box jump but I didn’t quit, I kept showing up to the gym. Thank you Brandon Smith and Training from the Ground Up team for speaking life into me, showing me how to train well and to be a better me.

Go make some good deposits today!”

-Jeff Peters (#TFGUstrong member)

TFGU 6 Week Challenge

Mike Allen

Mike lost 17.6lbs in 6 weeks! He told us he joined the TFGU 6 Week Challenge because he was feeling overweight and lethargic. Within 2 weeks of the Challenge, he said he felt a lot better and was no longer experiencing issues with GERD. He now has a jump-start on his fitness goals and is continuing his journey with us as a TFGU member!

He is #TFGUstrong!

Lose Weight Gain Strength San Angelo TX

Jessie Hoak

“I did the 6 Week Challenge AGAIN mainly because of COVID. I’d really gotten off track eating a bunch of junk and not eating what I knew I should be eating and I needed that accountability that comes along with it to get me back on track AND I know it works, so it was an easy choice to do it again! The simple, easy meal plan…there’s no guesswork! You know exactly what to eat. It’s laid out exactly what you eat, what you don’t eat, and when you work out, so it really couldn’t get any easier!

Just do it! I hate when people ask ‘how much does it cost to do it?’ You know? I don’t know…what is it worth to you? I mean you can have these skills forever if you do it, so to me that’s always crazy that you wouldn’t want to spend that type of money on yourself but you’ll spend all this money on junk that we put in our bodies. I just think it’s worth it to do it. Save up if you have to. It’s not that much. It’s worth it for your health!”

She is #TFGUstrong!

Want results like this? Click the link below!

Postpartum Weight Loss San Angelo TX

Diana Finley

“My youngest is 10 months old. With my first 2, the weight just kind of fell off and with him I knew from the very beginning of pregnancy that that wasn’t going to be the case. Just the foods I was eating and craving, I knew it was going to be a really difficult pregnancy and I knew I’d have a lot of weight to gain. Around 6 months [postpartum], I was like ok I gotta do something about this weight because it’s not coming off. That’s ultimately why I joined. We had a pool being built. I was like ‘there’s no way I’m going to be walking around in a bikini…like this isn’t going to happen!’ For me, the accountability 100% [helped me achieve my goals]! And that’s what I’ve had problems with in the past. Other plans didn’t offer that really. That’s what really motivated me.

In the beginning, I was really on the fence too. Ultimately, it’s so worth it! It’s game-changing! I’ve put money into other plans and I generally try to eat healthy and that just wasn’t working. Obviously I was doing something wrong. The tools that were given to me here…I mean, it was worth it!”

She is #TFGUstrong!


Ivana Milovanovic

“I would like this 6 weeks to become a norm as it is becoming already. I would like to be able to continue and recognize what is it that I’m eating, how much, and when! Free, without guilt, or heavy obsession.

I chose to do this Challenge because my mindset was finally there. I chose the TFGU 6 Week Challenge because it just felt natural. This is home and it felt safe that I would do great and receive support.

As long as your mindset is there, it will work. Follow the program and trust it. You have incredible support to do so. You won’t regret it.”

Ivana thought the Challenge was so nice, she did it twice! Check out those awesome results!

She is #TFGUstrong!

Lose Weight, Gain Strength and Conditioning San Angelo

Jenna Smith

“To be able to keep up with my son.”

Is what Jenna told us when we asked her why she chose to join the TFGU 6 Week Challenge.

Another one of her goals was “definitely to lose weight and get stronger.” She told us on the last day of the Challenge that she is now able to lift him and get up and down!

“[The Challenge] was a total game-changer. I heard that this works and it’s completely different than everyone else’s. It encourages carb eating. So many people want to cut it out. When I DID feel hungry, I was able to eat and got full. I am becoming a member of the gym and I am keeping up with the diet.”

She is #TFGUstrong!

Lose  Weight Gain Strength San Angelo TX

Estrelita Bliskey

“I didn’t know where to start, but I knew Brandon was the one to get me motivated. All the guess-work was out of [the Challenge], so I knew that’s what I wanted to do. I feel accomplished and pretty proud. Even though I had a few hiccups, I still stuck with it and kept my commitment. I am very happy to have found my way back and can't brag about TFGU enough! I love it here and all the people and coaches. I just want to work harder every time I go. There is always a positive vibe. Do it. Don’t even question it. Just sign up and get to the gym and go!”

She is #TFGUstrong!

Lose Weight Gain Strength Move Better Feel Better San Angelo TX

Gailon Huseman

“Gaining control of my habits which were running roughshod over my will. Had to put my will back in charge and needed help doing it. Setting a short term goal was not so daunting and having the guidance and support has been soo helpful! I'm grateful for this experience and highly recommend it to anyone thinking about going for it!”

She is #TFGUstrong!

Lose Weight Gain Strength Move Better Feel Better San Angelo TX

Stephanie Minjarez

“I wanted to improve on things I had already been doing at the gym. I learned a lot about nutrition and that I can do it! I lost some weight and bad habits. Do it! It will change your life!”

She is #TFGUstrong!

Community Gym in San Angelo TX

Daniella Barry

“I chose the TFGU Challenge because I was coming from a different state and I wasn’t happy where I was at personally, so I gave it a shot! I’m super happy [with what I found]! I found TFGU via Instagram, so if you’re ever interested just look around, scroll, and I think you’ll like what you see! I gained a lot of self-confidence…the Thrive Coaches here definitely help motivate! My back hasn’t hurt in the past 6 weeks, so that’s a huge bonus! I felt like an old lady at 25 [before that]! For someone who’s never been in this type of setting involving weights, give it a shot here! There’s a reason they’re called Training from the Ground Up, because they start you from right where you’re at and then they just build you from there, so definitely give it a shot here! Just sign up and do it…you’re going to have 0 regrets!”

She is #TFGUstrong!

Lose Weight Gain Strength San Angelo TX

Sherrie Bouissey

“I got a better way of eating and able to get up and off the floor! YAY! Do it! Anybody can do it no matter your physical abilities!”

She is #TFGUstrong!

94 Year Old TFGU Workout San Angelo

“I began training with TFGU at 87 years old, I’m now 94.5, and I attribute the extension of my life and health to TFGU. 6 years ago, I probably couldn’t walk across the street, but I feel great now and the workouts maintain me now. I’m not trying to break any records. I’m just trying to stay healthy and this is helping me do that.”

-James Broyles Jr (#TFGUstrong member)

Weight loss, Strength and Conditioning San Angelo

Tori Smith

“Seeing the differences that it’s made in my health, my body, the way I feel everyday. Things that were harder before, they’re so easy and I can do them no problem. It’s just a breeze. It’s amazing the difference that you see in the small things.”

Tori lost 12.2lbs in her 6 Week Challenge and also loved the weight loss results so much, she came back for round 2! During her second Challenge, she lost 11.8lbs for a total of 24lbs in 12 weeks! She told us she loved the community, positivity, support, and quick/awesome results she found with us during the Challenge so much that she decided to become a TFGU member! We are thrilled to have her as part of our TFGU family!

She is #TFGUstrong!

Lose Weight Gain Strength San Angelo TX

Wade Hoak

“I chose the 6 Week Challenge again because my wife was doing it [again] and it makes it much easier! Really at this point, it’s about making this stuff into long-term habits. Knowing what to eat, what not to eat…even though I did screw up quite a bit on it, I still at least knew what I did wrong and how to fix it. Getting back to the gym and being held accountable to workout 3x a week at least and being held accountable to eat right at least for the most part…that’s what I like [about the Challenge]!

I think you should just do it…give it a shot! It’s just 6 weeks of your life!

The online workouts worked, but I’m about tired of Zoom meetings. I still think going to the gym and having these meetings in person - I like that better!”

He is #TFGUstrong!

Lose Weight Gain Strength San Angelo TX

Sara Cassiano

“I love a Challenge. I’m very competitive. I joined TFGU gym itself first for myself because I wanted to be healthier. I have been my size for…well, my daughter will be 11 this year…so my heaviest weight was 327 and when I started the gym I was at 297 and the lowest I got was down to 269. I gained a little bit back, but not too much. I did it for myself to be healthier, to be happy. My self esteem, my outlook is everything and [I did it] to be an example for my kids to show that they can do it too. The workouts are awesome! I’m not gonna lie! I like the workouts! I enjoyed the home ones, but being at the gym seems to kick your butt more than being at home on some days. I was really grateful for the meal plans, because I was just guessing [beforehand].

Not to sound crass or anything, but you’ll be stupid not to join [the TFGU 6 Week Challenge] and that’s simply because the Challenge is life-changing. It gives you pointers, ideas, it helps you learn how to be a better self on maintaining your body. Not just physically or the appearance of it. It’s the emotional part of it as well too. When you have things that are going on, you have coaches and people that are standing there that’ll talk to you and help you through it and make it worth going in and spending the time and make you feel like you can accomplish anything - that’s the greatest part of the Challenge! It’s not all about the physical part. It’s the mental part too! You have to stay strong-minded with it and having a coach and a family…it’s not just a coach, it’s the [TFGU] FAMILY that supports you with [the Challenge]. That’s the greatest thing and the Challenge would be worth it for anybody who needs it!”

She is #TFGUstrong!

6 Week Challenge San Angelo

Karen Keene

“I did the 6 Week Challenge, because I wanted to get healthier and lose weight.

The 6 week challenge IS challenging. It makes you aware of what you are putting in your mouth. I feel very healthy and stronger!”

She is #TFGUstrong!

TFGU San Angelo

Misty Hartman

“I lost weight and I gained strength. I am TFGU strong!”

She IS #TFGUstrong!

Weight Loss San Angelo TX

Claudia Caraway

“I had been reading about it and seeing things at the gym and I had also seen several postings on Facebook and thought that might be something I could try. I wanted to lose weight. I had already been working out, but weight was my main concern. I wanted to purposely lose weight by focusing on food. I think [the TFGU 6 Week Challenge] is beneficial to anyone!”

She is #TFGUstrong!

TFGU 6 Week Challenge San Angelo Gym

Karen Cody

“This Challenge was perfectly timed for me. I have been frustrated by a situation completely out of my control, but I knew I could control what I put in my mouth !!! Plus, I was ready to break through to the next step in my nutrition while I continued to improve balance and mobility and strength and stamina. With the success I've seen in 6 weeks, of course I recommend the experience for all those who are ready to make healthy changes in their lives!”

“I had done the 6 Week Challenge before, so I’m one of the 2nd versions doing it again! I had such a great experience doing the first one I wanted to continue changing my habits and being more mindful of what I was doing [as I was] reaching new plateaus. And frankly, just really enjoying the camaraderie and support that TFGU really supplies, but especially for the Challenge! I always learn new recipes and macro nutrient facts, but those soft skills…also just seeing how reliant I have been on habits that haven’t necessarily served me…well I think that’s why I continue to refine. In addition to another 12lbs, of which I am very proud, I think I lost some reliance on some habits and I am very grateful for that!

It is a Challenge, you are challenging the things that you believe about yourself and things that you believe about food. You are creating new habits and you are leaving old habits behind, but the main thing people don’t understand is what a fabulous support system there is here! You are NOT doing this alone! There is a reason why there is a group there together. There’s excellent coaching. There’s such a support system…it really is a positive tribe that is going with you through the whole process. You can’t buy that! It’s just wonderful!”

She is #TFGUstrong!

Lose Weight Gain Strength San Angelo TX

Ramsey Rogers

“I chose the Challenge so I could make better decisions about my health, my life, and possibly live longer, as well as so I can be #TFGUstrong! I gained a new perspective and learned how to eat to make me feel better! I lost 5lbs and strong cravings I used to have. Go for it! I think it’s wonderful! It’s easier than you think and it helps you more than you think it will!”

She is #TFGUstrong!

Gyms in San Angelo TX

Amanda Smith

“It’s been an amazing experience!”

She is #TFGUstrong!

Body Building San Angelo TX

Evan Estes

“I chose the TFGU 6 Week Challenge because I wanted to get stronger/feel better and it definitely worked! I gained 6lbs [of muscle] and lost body fat, as well as a lot of knowledge as far as technique and nutrition goes. If you’re thinking about doing the Challenge, just do it! Whatever thoughts you have, just get those out of the way and get here and then everything will be fixed within here!”

He is #TFGUstrong!

Lose Weight Gain Strength San Angelo TX

Dionnie Hoelsken

“I chose the TFGU 6 Week Challenge because I hit a brick wall. I hit a max weight that I was not happy with and it was time to make a change and I was able to drop 10lbs over a couple months and then I got stuck and it drove me crazy, so I joined the TFGU Challenge and lost another 10lbs. Hit a breakthrough! I gained a new mindset. There was a lot of guilt to eating before. That’s changed completely. It’s no longer guilt-driven. I always thought of diet as ‘can’t have this/can’t have that.’ [The TFGU 6 Week Challenge] changed my whole mindset and it’s changed everything, because now I know I can keep going and I’m not worried about it. It’s just been awesome! It’s amazing what you’re going to gain out of [this Challenge]. You lose so much more than the weight. You gain empowerment. You’re not going at it alone…you have a whole team that goes with you and that makes such a difference to be able to go on this journey and you have all these allies with you on the same mission to be the best version of yourself! And that’s the best thing I think you get out of the Challenge!”

She is #TFGUstrong!

Lose  Weight Gain Strength San Angelo TX

Mariah Rios

“I chose the Challenge because I had hit a plateau on my own and I needed that extra push and it worked! It got me going! If you’re thinking about doing the Challenge, just do it! You wouldn’t regret it after you’re done!”

She is #TFGUstrong!

Lose  Weight Gain Strength San Angelo TX

Brenda Tucker

“I chose the 6 Week Challenge because I had put it off for 6 times thinking ‘I would be ready soon,’ and finally on the 7th Challenge, I decided I’d do it and I’m happy I’m here and happy I did it! I gained some friends and I learned how to cook! I lost 13.5lbs and I deserve every bit of it! WOO!!! Go ahead and do it! Don’t wait 6 times!”

She is #TFGUstrong!

Lose Weight Gain Strength San Angelo TX

Danny “Boone” Kiser

“I chose the 6 Week Challenge because I was just getting really overweight. I’ve always stayed pretty skinny. I felt alright until my mid 40s and just looked in the mirror…it was terrible. I saw one of the members, Wade Hoak…who told me about Brandon and I just went straight over. It was something I needed to do and I had the time to do it. I did it for me and my wife - for my family. Learning the math and science behind food [helped me achieve my goals]. I’ve always applied things that way, but I’ve never even thought about [it with] food. I’ve never even read a label hardly as far as calories and all that. I’ve never done that. When I started making it mindful, then I started putting the math to it and math is really everything. Math works 100% of the time! So if somebody figures out something and applies math to it, that’s always at home with me and it’s workin’, baby!”

He is #TFGUstrong!

Look Move Feel Better San Angelo TX

Stephanie Clark

“I chose the 6 Week Challenge because I wanted to start off the new year by losing weight! I gained confidence and a lot of information on nutrition! I lost 13lbs that I am not gaining back! Before I joined this challenge I read all the Facebook posts and reviews as well as listened to all the videos. Everyone said that they all felt SO much better. So I thought to myself ‘Do they really feel THAT much better?’ Well I’m here to say, you really do. It’s nice to have someone correct you on your exercises but more importantly on your nutrition. I’m so happy that I did this challenge and I recommend it to anyone regardless of your age or body style. I’d tell everybody you need to give it a try, put yourself first, and come do the 6 Week Challenge and break through those plateaus!”

She is #TFGUstrong!

Lose  Weight Gain Strength San Angelo TX

Clint Carrell

“I chose the 6 Week Challenge to break through a plateau. I needed a kick-start to kick-start the diet again in the new year! I gained strength and lost some weight [lost 15lbs], as well as [gained] camaraderie! Got to meet some new friends here at the gym and learned some new cooking skills! Get off the couch and do it! Don’t wait!”

He is #TFGUstrong!

Lose Weight Gain Strength San Angelo

Dawn Hamill

“I chose to join the 6 Week Challenge to get healthy. For myself. I felt like I was stuck in a funk and the Challenge definitely helped me get out of that! I have learned to pinpoint my “why” and remind myself that I am that “why” and I plan to continue on with the nutritional and workouts aspect of all that. I don’t think it’s over. It’s just a new beginning. My NEW NORM! It’s not a quick weightloss program. It’s a forever lifestyle change Challenge. Do it! It’s not easy, but if you follow along with the way [TFGU] guides us, it’s not hard! Just damn do it! :) I would recommend the online version of the Challenge. I enjoy the gym, but with the way times are the scheduling is easier to get home and do it than to get home, get dressed, and get to the gym. There is still 100% accountability and because it’s live! It’s not a pre-recorded video, so I highly recommend it because it’s LIVE!”

She is #TFGUstrong!

Senior Weight Loss and Strength Training San Angelo TX

Cindy Kelley

“I chose to join the 6 Week Challenge because I wanted to do something for myself and I wanted to workout. The older I was getting, the more I felt like I needed to be working out. I just chose to do something I wanted to do for me regardless of the time, the cost, or anything…I just wanted to do it for me! The accountability, following the food plan was a big help…just knowing what you can have and not have…all of it [helped me achieve my goals]! I wanted someone to work with me and the support and the emotional…everything that goes along with it and I got that! The small group, the small class size is really a plus! That’s why I did it! I appreciated the valuable information even though I cook all the time and have a food background. That was valuable to me as much as the exercise part is!

I would highly recommend it to anyone! I had signed up once before and backed out and I’m so glad I stepped back in and did it the next Challenge! Go for it! It has been a game-changer for me! Everybody there is so supportive and I look forward to the camaraderie with everybody!”

She is #TFGUstrong!