TFGU (Training from the Ground Up) offers personalized and balanced workouts designed to help individuals surpass their limits.

With a focus on back- and joint-friendly training, you can enjoy small group personal training sessions tailored to fit your needs.

Newcomers can even take advantage of a complimentary first session to experience the benefits themselves. Stay connected with the latest updates by following the gym on Facebook and Instagram.


What is functional training?

Functional training is essentially training with a purpose.

Each movement is coached with a focus on quality over quantity in order to improve balance, coordination, and strength safely and effectively in a fun and encouraging environment.

Functional training is not standing on one leg on a Bosu ball doing biceps curls. It’s training that applies to the body based on the function of the joints. Really, functional training is just ‘good’ training, and it is important for ensuring a life of moving better, feeling better, and looking better in a joint-friendly way.

Our goal at TFGU is to be the best part of your day and have you leaving feeling better than when you came in!


Can TFGU help me with weight loss, muscle gain, strength & conditioning, nutrition, etc?

Our programming is effective, tailored to fit YOUR specific needs, and can be an asset in helping you achieve your goals with the help of our personal trainers.

Regardless of what your specific goals are, we recommend scheduling a free session with us so one of our TFGU Coaches can not only answer your questions, but show you what they can do to help you!


What if I have back/knee/shoulder pain and I’m older?

We hear it all the time and we want you to know that we can help you too!

We have clients in their 90s who are still thriving with us.

Some of our own coaches have had their own back stories (pun intended) that our programming has helped improve greatly.

We completely understand your concern and we want to prove ourselves to you, so schedule a time to come in for a free session so you can experience for yourself how we can help YOU!